“We are only mortal
but being mortal
can defy our fate.”

Law of Names Media is a collective of audio entertainment programs that came together without a great deal of conscious volition.What was one podcast primarily under one director, became two, became four, became a half-dozen projects, with multiple originators and contributors. Our projects are volunteer-driven, and made available, ad-free, for all listeners.We create the works we want to see, and the worlds we want to explore. We fill them with people who represent us and our communities.From cricket farmers on Mercury, to OSHA inspectors touring haunted houses, to teenage filmmakers in small-town Northern California, our show tell stories of human experiences, and all the shapes they take.

Games & ETC

Role Playing Games

Full-Length TTRPGS
Resistor: High School, Low Life
Angry teens with brain computers in the near future San Angeles Megacity
The Food Truck Rebellion
Covert culinary operatives fight back against the Food Industrial Complex.
The Daisy-Chain House
A game about creating family, & finding love in whatever form it might take.
A delicious game creating the recipes for stories about home.
The Wild Hunt
A tarot-based game of Hunters and quarry.
A game about discovering one'sself while turning into a plant.
An experimental, free-form game of shifting rules and mental vivisection.
A Risky Gambol
A game of dice and bluffs and winning or losing one's whole self.
Bread & Stone
A dinner LARP of Hospitality between Arcadians lords and their guests.
A no-prep LARP of rating your friends video dating profiles.
What Happened to the Theater
A game of improvising the stories of the background characters in Commedia Dell’Arte
Epistolary Games
Under Hill, Over Hill
A game of letters between a Changeling and the human they replaced.
When The Messages Began
A game of digital exchanges between strangers in a post-apocalyptic world
Text-based computer games
Like Trying to Learn to Breathe Underwater

Other Projects

Stencil drawing of two humming birds with their beaks inside trumpet flowers on a black background with a white filigree border

A mindfulness guidebook.Remember! Life is just a reflection of will!

Explore it here!

Stencil drawing of two humming birds with their beaks inside trumpet flowers on a black background with a white filigree border

Explore the special collection.A Blake Skye:PI fan project.

Sign in here

Interested in joining the collective?

We're always open to connecting with other creators, and other audio projects.As a collective, we mostly are here to support and encourage each other, and to spread out some of the work that goes into producing shows, and bringing them to the ears of audiences.Projects that are part of Law of Namees are volunteer-made, advertising-free, diverse, and inclusive of all races, ethnicities, national backgrounds, languages, accents, genders, and sexualities.Shows are free to split off from us at any time, and are always the property of the creators that make them.If you are interested in bringing your audio drama or fiction to our collective, please email Ash.You can also contact us on Twitter.

Stencil drawing of two humming birds with their beaks inside trumpet flowers on a black background with a white filigree border

Comments from our Cast & Crew

Working on Breathing Space

About the Show
Breathing Space is an anthology show with seasons of ~13 episodes, created and produced by Ash Seguinte & Scott Paladin. It is recorded concurrently as much as possible, with actors asked to do independent recordings either for solo scenes, or if schedule just can't be arranged. The cast for each episode in each season is different, though actors are encouraged to audition for multiple parts over multiple seasons.

Breathing Space show logo, A yellow rocket with a circular vapor trail surrounding the words Breathing Space with Fading Frontier written along the bottom edge of the circle

"...Good, fun, well-organized. Behind the scenes, a great community of people who will casually drop an exquisitely detailed 3D render of the concept of heartbreak or a beautifully stylized scene from an episode in chat like "work was slow today, drew this on a napkin." Truly incredible, couldn't ask for better. "
- Kale Brown, actor/editor, season 2

"Incredibly welcoming and enthusiastic creative environment, and very smoothly run on the production side! Easy and quick communication with showrunners, well organized Discord server, all around great experience. "
- Kasha Mika, actor, season 2

"It's been very welcoming, encouraging, and active. Being in and a part of the BSFF server has certainly set the bar for my interactions in other podcast servers i'm in."
- Kris Allison, actor, seasons 1 & 2

Working on Translating Arcadia

About the Show
Translating Arcadia is an audio fiction podcast created & produced by Ash Seguinte. It is made up of short stories recorded independently by narrators.

The Translating Arcadia logo, a picture of a silhouette of a Ferris wheel and two human heads against a green background on the top, an upside down picture of a woman with a bandage and roses around her eyes on the bottom, and a center bar dividing the two

"I had a lot of fun exploring the uniqueness of a narrated piece, after only having worked alongside other actors. It was a great way to explore how I could think about and approach a piece before director input, then see what changes I could make after feedback. I also just loved working with pieces that flowed in such a spellbinding way.Translating Arcadia was firstly an exercise in solo artistic interpretation, which was really interesting. We were a group of writers and/or voice actors working on the different but related field of narrated short audio stories. I think the result is a fascinating blend between acting and reading aloud slightly different than either."
- Rebecca Krause, narrator, Containment

About Law of Names


To know the true and complete name of something is to be able to control it.Law of Names Media is a collection of projects that were each made with intention, but came together organically, and without a great deal of conscious volition. What was one podcast primarily under one director, became two, became four, became a half-dozen projects, with multiple originators and contributors.Now, we are a group of people who work together, and toward similar goals. Though the projects are different, every creator here pushes themselves to create work that makes the world better, for its existence.We are here to tell stories. And stories should be just as strange, and wild, and diverse, and beautiful, as the people who tell them.

A dirt path between trees with rays of sunlight
a metal gate over a dirt path alongside trees


Law of Names was created initially out of spite.They said we couldn't. So we did.The spite returns from time to time, but the best revenge remains to succeed.And so we are.We create the works we want to see, and the worlds we want to explore. We fill them with people who represent us and our communities.


Ash was the first person who fell under the banner of Law of Names, & he continues to organize, maintain, and generally herd cats for the now-expanded entity that is LoN Media.He's fairly sure he isn’t a changeling, but wouldn’t tell you if he were.He grew up thinking librarians were basically the coolest people in the world, and that the primary rule of hiking is that you never take the same trail on the way back.He loves tattoos, and honey, and pomegranates, and glitter, and realizes that he often sounds like a hipster despite his best intentions.He has spent the majority of his creative life trying to recreate The NeverEnding Story and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie (1990).He lives in Sacramento, California in a Freehold with his husband, another debatably Arcadian, five cats with lofty names, a dog called Ivysaur, and cages full of creepy dolls.For more about his personal work, check out his digital portfolio.If you want to talk to him, you can email him or message him on Discord as _knightofcups

A photo of Lee wearing a black tank top, with green and gold cyberfalls in his hair, and circuit diagrams drawn on his face

The Shows

Breathing Space

The void is cold, but not lonely.A science fiction western audio anthology.Episodes air on the first and third Friday of the month.
Breathing Space's website.

Breathing Space show logo, A yellow rocket with a circular vapor trail surrounding the words Breathing Space with Fading Frontier written along the bottom edge of the circle

The Arcadia, CA logo, a rusted and weathered highway sign reading Arcadia, CA Pop. 16,179 with a red glyph drawn on it

Arcadia, CA

Arcadia, California.
Where Family Matters
A suburan fantasy audio drama of small Californian towns and Otherwordly influences.New episodes release on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month.Arcadia, CA's website.


An audio anthology of aquatic horror, by Daisy McNamara.Season 1 begins August, 2024.Waterlogged's website.

Dakota Gold Mysteries

A collection of scifi noir miniseries.In production.The Dakota Gold website.


A bite-sized, interrupted horror anthology.Season 1 is now complete.para/Normal's website.

At the Bottom of the Garden logo- the name of the show in a cursive font above a circle of fairies dancing on a sepia background with floral pattern in light green, with "The Fairy Journals of Nadia Davies-Taylor" printed underneath

At the Bottom of the Garden

A podcast of true faerie stories, created & produced by Aidan Moss.Coming soon.At the Bottom of the Garden's website.

Devoid of Space

A science fiction horror anthology audio drama. Created and produced by Charlie Caruso-Neal.Airs on the final Tuesday of the month.Devoid of Space's website.

The Devoid of Space logo, a black circle outlined in orange on a starry background, with the words Devoid of Space written across it in orange

A Most Vital Art

A Blake Skye: Private Eye Story

Blake Skye: Private Eye is a noir detective radio drama created and produced by SJ Ryker. A Most Vital Art is a spin-off arc written & directed by Ash Seguinte, telling the story of a disgraced former medical student, who wants nothing more than to heal the ills of humanity, a so-called “doctor” and patent medicine salesman who claims to be able to do the impossible, and the horrific events that result from their partnership.CompletedA Most Vital Art's website.

Translating Arcadia

Stories about the people who do not fit in Here, & the Elsewheres where they can belong, instead. Narrated short fiction.New episodes release periodically.Translating Arcadia's website.

The Translating Arcadia logo, a picture of a silhouette of a Ferris wheel and two human heads against a green background on the top, an upside down picture of a woman with a bandage and roses around her eyes on the bottom, and a center bar dividing the two

Debatably Arcadian Entertainment

A Possibly-Unwise Feed

Not a show in and of itself, this is a place to listen to audio content that doesn't belong to any specific show, or on one particular feed.Released at random.Listen.